Tuesday 31 March 2020

Social-Distancing Laws (1970)


  1. Was going to read this but I then decided to keep my distance...

  2. I am so angry about these thoughtless people you see on the news violating this new law that I am beside myself (which is illegal with double punishment).

  3. I thought that information posters, like all publications or hand writting, were limited to one letter (the one before v and x is forbidden, like all letters used in any other countries or langages, and m have to be replaced by n). For more informations, write to S for extensive explanations. Don’t mess up with the address. Ghosts are allowded if they can proove that their spirit comes from a registered deceased human or a missing person. People with two almost identical half parts, shadows or personality issues are obviously concerned. More will come : the actual government (a one and only one single person) is brainstorming about a stronger legislation (very hard work, indeed). To legally sum it up : .


  4. I have been running away from myself all day. I just can't keep my distance.

  5. I had to reread it....

  6. Kittymoma916@gmail.com4 August 2020 at 01:59

    Where ever you go...There you are!

  7. I can't run from myself so I guess I'll have to run from the law
