Thursday, 6 April 2017

"Diseases are cool!"

In the 1970s, the Notional Health Service envied those public sectors that received more funding from the government. The NHS was particularly resentful of the Department of Education & Indoctrination and in 1977 it set out to entice children away from schools and state-run brainwashing covens into hospitals so that it could justify larger budget requests.

The NHS initially launched a major campaign aimed at children and teens, which promoted the health benefits of serious medical diseases and conditions, especially those which required substantial financial resources. In addition to adverts in magazines such as Look-In (see above), it also produced collectable bubble-gum cards (see below), badges, T-shirts and cuddly toys that resembled bacterial cells and viruses.

While the idea of being dangerously sick did become very popular among the nation's school children (indeed, the Staphylococcus aureus flesh-eating disease playset was the biggest seller of Christmas 1978), it still wasn't enough to attract the desired funding to the health sector and in 1978 the NHS took the inevitable step of directly infecting its merchandise with actual diseases to ensure success.


  1. Acute urinary infections were my favourite i spent many a happy hour pissing blood into a pot watching Mary mungo and midge

  2. I fondly recall my youth, avoiding dairy, in near-total darkness in order to cultivate an acute vitamin D deficiency. Happy times!

    1. I must admit I had an unfair advantage at age 6.I caught scarlet fever and my doctor misdiagnosed it as tonsillitis and removed them.It turned into rheumatic fever, The hour after I got home my throat lining sloughed out,ripping out the stitches.TWO ambulance rides in one week!

  3. Diseases which need to be properly cultivated and nurtured mumpalicious, typhoneous, cholerinos, cowidfluenzu and many more
