Monday 4 February 2013

The pagan man who lives in the soil

Something a bit haunty/pagan from a children's book that was never published because it was banned by Scarfolk Council. Apparently, it wasn't eerie enough for the under 5s.


  1. Interestingly, this very image was used in Colling's hugely influential "Medieval headlice: public health approaches through history".

    It was a typically left-wing piece as you'd expect from those times and I really didn't care for the oppressive feminisation-of-alcohol-addiction agenda but the chapter on preventative branding was ahead of its time, even by todays so-called 'modern' standards of super-bugs and keyhole sorcery.

    Trevor Colling BA

  2. Previous poster missed an apostrophe on the word "todays".
    It should read "today's".

    Trevor Colling BA
