Sunday 24 February 2013

Scarfolk tourism poster 1972

Despite the letter spacing typo on the poster, Scarfolk's 1972 tourism campaign was as successful as the mayor had hoped. Seven tourists visited that summer. Oddly, they were all called Timothy, wore identical clothes and appeared to communicate with each other telepathically. Everyone in Scarfolk called them 'The Tim Seven'.

Three days after they arrived in Scarfolk all the birds disappeared and for months after the Tims left whenever Scarfolk residents tried to use their telephones all they could hear on the other end was distant, frantic backward birdsong.

'The Tim Seven' also claimed they could psychically channel a long-dead Scarfolk resident - a fifteenth century plague doctor called Ranlyn Spangles - but they could only pick up his thoughts that referred to wigs or soup spoons.


  1. This is so good. Love it.

  2. Dear Sir:

    I am an admirer of the lovely work of diffusion that you are doing on this page.

    I was writing to you to know whether it is possible to get this particular image in a format of greater definition (maybe an uncompressed tiff?). I am looking forward to print it and to hang it in our small family travel agency.

    It will be a breeze of fresh now that our dreadful father is gone.

    Thank you very much for your time and interest.

    Best wishes from Barcelona, Spain.

  3. Hello!

    Truth is that, in fact, I was talking seriously about the tiff thing. That eye would look really good in front of another poster of The Residents that I have. It would be really nice to know if it's possible to have it in a bigger format.

    Thanks a lot!

  4. The council hopes to offer posters for sale soon.

  5. That sounds great! I'll keep an eye on it!

    "An eye"... You know, because the poster has an eye... And, well, you get the point...

    It's not very funny, in fact.

    Thank you, anyway!
