Tuesday 26 February 2013

Sex. Sex. Sex. 1978

Nobody forgets school sex education lessons. Here's a page from a 1978 biology textbook taught in Scarfolk schools.

Our biology teacher was called Mr. Poppets. In 1975 he and his wife were involved in some kind of cult-related skiing accident. Tragically, his wife was killed and he lost an eye.

Mr. Poppets made a tiny model of his wife which he installed inside a miniature snow globe. The snow globe was then inserted into his eye socket to replace the lost eye.

During lessons he would stand in front of the mirror, lightly shake his head from side to side, and drunkenly mumble the lyrics of Brotherhood of Man's Eurovision hit "Save Your Kisses for Me."*

*For those of you who may have forgotten this heartrending song here it is again.


  1. Was it Mr Poppets who thought the school's problematic heating issues could be solved by using under performing students as 'fuel', following the correct Pagan sacrificial ceremonies of course?

  2. I remember this text well – for putting the fun into infundibulum – I believe there may be an inaccuracy corrected in later (and current) editions however – for reference, and apologies for pedantry, I think it may be the figure number, which is referred to as fig 3 in the updated works….

  3. Ah, that explains everything! Much more plausible than the nonsense they taught us at our school.

  4. Now I know to be offended when a Brit threatens to blunder my underham
